SAN FRANCISCO, CA The LGBTQ+ lobby has added the Monekypox symbol to the Pride Flag in honor of their ever-evolving movement for freedom and equity.
"Instead of preventing Monkeypox by getting vaccinated and abstaining from gay sex with strangers for a few weeks, the community is embracing the virus as a symbol of equity and bodily autonomy," says Jason Hillons, a local gay man. "Everyone's going to catch it. We're not going to let the world tell us who we can and can't sleep with!"
The flag will be featured at LeatherWalk 2022 in September. LeatherWalk 2022 invites thousands of LGBTQ+ members and California public school kids to participate in all sorts of day and night festivities which include leather and latex. Despite the prevalence of a vaccine, Monkeypox is still spreading around the country.
"Monkeypox is a rite of passage," says Trey Norms. "If you haven't gotten it yet, are you even gay?"
There are now over 5,800 confirmed cases in the United States and no concrete way of preventing the virus. Big Tech leaders have announced that anyone outside the LGBTQ+ community who associates the virus with a sexually promiscuous lifestyle will be banned from social media for homophobia.