Two Women Create A Baby!!!! Watch out! Here's some news for all those people who have it stuck in their mind that if there were only females left on earth they would not survive because they could not reproduce without sperm. Your going to have to come up with another reason two women shouldn't be together.
"Scientists have created mice pups from two female mice. No male mice or sperm were involved. The offspring were all female. How did this happen and will humans soon have the option to create babies without men?
Parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, is defined as reproduction without fertilization. It occurs naturally in some plant and insect species. It does not occur naturally in mammals, but like many other procedures of our day, it can now occur with the assistance of scientists.
In April 2004, Japanese scientists announced they created the first mammal by combining the nucleus of one females egg with that of another. The female offspring survived to adulthood and now has babies of her own. They call her Kaguya, after a Japanese fairy tale.
Kaguya Has Two Mommies
While this is a scientific breakthrough, the process has not been perfected yet. It took 460 tries at growing embryos this way. And of the ten live mice born in the surviving mouses litter, she is the only one to survive to adulthood. "
Still a little more research to put into the project but it's one hell of a good start.
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