Title: Tucker Carlson: This is a dangerous cult Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv181qM4AUM Published:Nov 23, 2022 Author:Tucker Carlson Post Date:2022-11-23 04:24:10 by Esso Keywords:None Views:285 Comments:3
WARNING: Graphic footage: Fox News host Tucker Carlson rips the sexual exploitation of children and the media for ignoring Balenciaga child 'bondage' ad controversy on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
"Call Me Ishmael" -Ishmael, A character from the book "Moby Dick" 1851. "Call Me Fishmeal" -Osama Bin Laden, A character created by the CIA, and the world's Hide And Seek Champion 2001-2011. -Tommythemadartist
Hospitals are harvesting organs from children. Breasts, male reproductive and female reproductive systems in their entirety. The hospitals are not only making money doing these surgeries but they are involved in an organ trade. That is the reason for all this. There is youth to be had and the ultra elite wealthy and their scientists they hire are using these raw materials to prolong their lives if not gain immortality.
There is no logical reason and medicine has stopped healing people long ago. This is purely about the theft of the organs of children whose stem cells and hormone palates can be harvested. Healthy breast stem cells can regrow breasts that have either been destroyed by age, or cancer. You cant just get those from a kid, you have to fool them into transitioning into something else.
One day God will come down from heaven and make everything right, or we are living in the very hell the Bible spoke of and there is no redemption for any of us.
"Call Me Ishmael" -Ishmael, A character from the book "Moby Dick" 1851. "Call Me Fishmeal" -Osama Bin Laden, A character created by the CIA, and the world's Hide And Seek Champion 2001-2011. -Tommythemadartist
we are living in the very hell the Bible spoke of and there is no redemption for any of us.
The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these peoples door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.