Title: In Loving Memory of Brian Stelter's Career - The Ultimate Mark Dice Impersonation Compilation! [Trash Thread] Source:
Mark Dice URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBtPU3DESa0 Published:Dec 26, 2022 Author:Mark Dice Post Date:2022-12-26 10:00:06 by Esso Keywords:None Views:266 Comments:16
My state and local media are already bragging about how they are going to ram through as much anti-gun stuff as they can now that the republicans lost the house and senate in my state. I am moving away from here as soon as I can, because enduring another winter of discontent waiting for the traitors in office to rob me of my liberty and prosperity is more than I can take.
What red states are left? More importantly why are all the red states supposedly the ones getting all the welfare ranks, when clearly all the welfare people reside in blue ones?
I cannot understand this world anymore and I cannot understand Americans here.