Title: In Loving Memory of Brian Stelter's Career - The Ultimate Mark Dice Impersonation Compilation! [Trash Thread] Source:
Mark Dice URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBtPU3DESa0 Published:Dec 26, 2022 Author:Mark Dice Post Date:2022-12-26 10:00:06 by Esso Keywords:None Views:254 Comments:16
Email 0859 24Dec2022 Immediate Energy Reduction Needed
Indiana Michigan Power communications@impoweraep.com
Immediate Reduction of Energy Use Needed
Extremely cold temperatures across the region have created extraordinary demands on the power system. We are asking businesses and the public to help by immediately reducing electricity use as much as possible without sacrificing safety.
I&M is making this emergency request in coordination with PJM the regional power grid operator. We are asking that customers take these actions until 10 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 25, to help ensure adequate power supplies.
Please reduce your electricity use by:
*Setting your thermostat lower than usual, if health allows. *Postponing use of major electric appliances such as stoves, dishwashers and clothes dryers. *Turning off non-essential electric lights, equipment and appliances.
Minor adjustments to thermostats and other measures can make a significant difference. The combined actions of customers can reduce overall demand for electricity and ease the emergency situation. Customers should use electricity needed for personal safety and to protect against property damage.