My GOD, it's two absolutely fantastic young women in one click! Emily's words could not be more perfect aside from one gratuitous phrase in passing. Those are FOCUSED, INCISIVE, POWERFUL words of hers -- "without irony" as she puts it -- and of course the great Srta. Peralta's.
Unfortunately I see no huge cross section of Spaniards in the latter's audience, only what looks like about 40 middle-aged dudes. From everything I've heard Spain is about as invulnerable to higher reality as ameriKa :( But if nationalist rallies are taking place all over Spain, that's incredibly good news.
Saw this in Bitchute but nothing works well for me there anymore. Mebbe I just need to post here to view in future.
Spain has a parallel problem to Bidenstein et al calling us terrorists (Hillary: "deplorables"). Madrid is going them one worse and writing a LAW slamming "half of Spain" as evil while "glorifying" the commie wacko portion of the population:
Isabel Peralta launches campaign against Spain's new 'Democratic Memory Law'
Kikes are always whining about memory and exhorting each other to "remember" total bunk that never happened..... Heritage and Destiny, not a bad channel