As Bizarre Cancer's Spike And Unheard-Of Diseases Emerge - This Is The Full-Fledged Annihilation Of Humanity While the alarming story over at Dr. Paul Alexander's substack newsletter this morning is titled "Yes, the 'BIG KILL OFF' is coming, booked, due to these fraud deadly COVID shots & we drag Bourla & Bancel (Pfizer & Moderna) into courtrooms," it'd be more accurate to say it's ALREADY HERE and as one of the commenters astutely pointed out on that story, not all of these deaths are of the 'died suddenly' variety, with strange cancer's now exploding across the country.
Just as Alan Barton had pointed out in this November 29th ANP story titled "With Cancer's Skyrocketing Since People Were Coerced Into Injecting The mRNA Bio-weapons, The 'Vax Everything Agenda' Is More Than A War Upon Humanity But A War Upon God," these shots have been deadly in more ways than one, just as Dr. Joseph Mercola had pointed out in this story titled "How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden" within which he warned.: "The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you're hearing nothing about it."
Reporting that Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal, that echoes the warning from this January 15th story by Susan Duclos in which she pointed out medical experts had been ramping up the actual number of COVID deaths in America, deaths with other REAL causes such as 'the jab' itself, or, from cancers caused by the kill shots.
So as Dr. Alexander's reader 'Mike' had pointed out in a comment on that story, he himself knows many people who have recently been diagnosed with bizarre cancers that they've gotten since they'd gotten 'the jab'; we have to wonder, how many more such heartbreaking stories are out there?