Title: Tucker: This is a middle finger in your face [Ukraine] Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9S-_QiM93E Published:Jan 24, 2023 Author:Tucker Carlson Post Date:2023-01-24 14:51:07 by Esso Keywords:None Views:253 Comments:4
Ukraine Rocked By Corruption Scandal, Wave Of Top Officials Resign: Sports Cars, Mansions & Luxury Vacations As People Suffered
The Ukrainian government on Tuesday confirmed the resignation of multiple high ranking officials amid large-scale corruption allegations, in what's being called the biggest mass resignation and graft scandal since the Russian invasion began.
Some dozen officials have quit their posts after a huge political shake- up over allegations and probes into cases ranging from bribery, to mismanagement of aid funds for purchasing food, to embezzlement, to driving expensive cars while common people suffer under wartime conditions.
A top presidential adviser and four deputy ministers - among these two defense officials, along with five regional governors were forced out of their posts. And among the regional governors to step down included officials overseeing regions which have seen intense fighting, including the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, where Russian forces have lately reported gains...
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The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these peoples door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.
There is a place in Texas that refurbishes and maintains M1 Abrams Battle Tanks, and they also refurbish Helicopters there. A lot of the military industrial complex is headquartered in Texas. So naturally, the representatives from Texas are going to want the war machine to keep bringing in more money for their benefactors. The people are not represented so much as the corporations.
We could militarize our border in a day but that does not provide the cheap labor that the powers that be love. We have plenty of people coming in to replace the dying drug addled white kids that wont be giving birth or having children due to indoctrinated white guilt. The reason why you shouldnt trust politicians from Texas, is that they have a long history of doing things like helping kill presidents and operating the deep state from behind the scenes.
"Call Me Ishmael" -Ishmael, A character from the book "Moby Dick" 1851. "Call Me Fishmeal" -Osama Bin Laden, A character created by the CIA, and the world's Hide And Seek Champion 2001-2011. -Tommythemadartist
Update(1412ET): The Biden administration has said it will send 30 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, in a significant breakthrough and escalation after weeks of debate, as well as division over the issue within the NATO alliance.
Politico's national security correspondents Alex Ward and Hans von der Burchard are further reporting that with the US ready to pull the trigger, Scholz's Germany has followed by approving Leopard 2 main battle tanks. Germany is planning to send 14 of its Leopard 2 A6 tanks to Ukrainian forces.
Ominously, this comes on the very same day that the war in Ukraine has pushed the Doomsday Clock to its closest point to midnight in history, as The Hill details:
Russias war in Ukraine has significantly raised the risk of global self-annihilation, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned Tuesday, moving forward the Doomsday Clock to its closest point to midnight ever.
The Doomsday Clock is meant to measure the gravest risks to human existence to pressure world leaders to recommit to addressing extinction-level challenges, such as the threat of nuclear weapon use, but has grown to include the dangers of climate change and biological risks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The clock has moved to 90 seconds before midnight, 10 seconds closer than when it was last set in January 2022, shortly before Russia launched its invasion against Ukraine on Feb. 24.
[More at link]
Duck and Cover, bro!
The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these peoples door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.
How long would it take to arrive? They say a C-5 can carry 2 M-1 tanks so that requires 15 round trips of those aircraft. They'll land in Poland, then need to be put on a truck or train and sent into Ukraine where they'll be targeted. Probably take at least 4 weeks to arrive and I'd expect half of them to never even make it to the front lines.