Title: Tucker: You should be mad about this Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmc7JUAYBC8 Published:Jan 24, 2023 Author:Tucker Carlson Post Date:2023-01-24 21:35:39 by Esso Keywords:None Views:258 Comments:5
When the interviewer asks Mike Pence whether or not he took classified documents, Mike Pence says no, but he shakes his head YES. Which means he knowingly lied. People have no idea how to lie, unless they have been trained to. Pence is not a liar by training, but he is one here in that video.
I honestly believe that Pence is trying to help the Biden Crime Family because Pence is getting some kind of kick back from something over in Ukraine. Just like Nancy Pelosi, and others. There is something truly wrong here, and we are seeing the deep state reveal its roster of agents.
I curse the day I ever joined the military because of the shit that I learned there. I used to be blissfully ignorant and always surprised. Now I am only surprised when I see someone doing the right thing or being honest.
Which means my life is pretty tedious, and I have only my friends that surprise me.