2022 was a record year for Canadian doctor deaths.
440 doctors died in 2019. 673 doctors died in 2022. Thats a 53% excess mortality in 2022.
Interestingly enough, Blackrock manager Ed Dowd who has sifted through US insurance data has reported similar excess mortality in the working US population:
The employed in this country seem to be dying more so than the general US population, as well as being disabled
my thesis is its the vaccine due to mandates
these numbers are not my numbers, its the Society of Actuaries, they did a survey that came out in August and 40% excess mortality for ages 25 through 64 across the board at 6:46-8:00 (click here)
Aside from the sudden and unexpected cardiac deaths (mostly from subclinical myocarditis post COVID-19 vaccination) which were rampant in the summer and fall of 2022, Im noticing a trend towards sudden onset rapid cancers in this highly COVID-19 vaccinated population of doctors (4x or 5x vaccinated in order to be up-to-date).