Gotta vent somewhere. Don't mind me ,just gonna talk about my dad and my past a bit, as I too often do. I wish he hadn't done all he did . But I loved all he did up till that .
Course, I never knew about John Gibson before then , so that's a thing!!!!
But nah, just like chrislyn, that guy ain't got no time or inclination for me. LoL it's ok. Is what it is.... Wonder if he votes like me? He's a lawyer. LoL. Freaking lawyers
And my son...that he never met, my mom who didn't get enough time with him, the half sister that is never allowed to come near us ever again, what has life become?
I never gave up
Unlike my dad did with John and.thats weird and What not to me.
Ppl also kept on suggesting I guve up and I'm like nah, not me.
My son remains in my life if albeit mostly.on Skype,.but he knows. And he loves me and knows me and I'm all in for him.
The ex however , could enjoy the song "miss you" by Oliver tree.
Delightful song dedication to the Ex