The Armed Forces of the United States recorded a five hundred percent (500%) increase in AIDS after administering the COVID-19 Vaccine to US Troops. The COVID-19 Vaccine is implicated.
White Blood Cells (WBC) fight-off infection in the human body. NORMALLY, the level of White cells in blood is usually about 5,000 cells per milliliter. During an infection, that level jumps - perhaps as high as twenty-thousand (20,000) -- until the body kills the invading bacteria or virus. Once the invader is dead, the WBC count returns to the normal range of about 5,000.
After getting the COVID-19 "vaccine" many (very many) people started noticing they were becoming sick more often, and taking far longer to fight-off whatever bug they caught. Moreover, people with Cancer that had been in remission, suddenly found the cancer was not only back, but had metastasized and spread everywhere.