During this decades still-ongoing racial reckoning, assaults by university administrations on the academic freedom of tenured professors have gotten ever more blatant. Beside the Amy Wax case at Penn, Charles Negy was fired from his tenured post at the University of Central Florida for retweeting my Takis column from the first week of the Mostly Peaceful Protests in which I concluded:
Instead, the Establishment views blacks as our Sacred Cows, above criticism, but beneath agency.
An arbitrator later reinstated Professor Negy.
And Cleveland State fired tenured professor Bryan Pesta after he co-authored a breakthrough study of one of the oldest and most controversial questions in psychology: Is the racial gap in IQ between whites and blacks narrower on average among self-identifying blacks with more white genes?
Pesta has now filed a lawsuit against Cleveland State, and lets just say, he doesnt pussyfoot around or rely on a lot of legal technicalities, but instead calls out the huge issues raised by his case: