Monday, May 15, 2006 Proof that people know about the high probability of black crime
Leftist denials and excuses haven't fooled them
Male murderers with stereotypically "black-looking" features are more than twice as likely to be executed as lighter-skinned African-Americans convicted of killing a white person, researchers have found. But this effect disappears when both murderers and their victims are black, the scientists said. "Race clearly matters in criminal justice in ways in which people may or may not be consciously aware," said Jennifer Eberhardt, a psychologist at Stanford University in Stanford, Calif., one of the researchers.
"When black defendants are accused of killing whites, perhaps jurors use the degree to which these defendants appear stereotypically black as a proxy for criminality, and then punish accordingly." The findings appear in the May issue of the journal Psychological Science.....
The study found that 57.5 percent of defendants rated by students to have "stereotypically black" features-broad noses, thick lips, dark skin and hair-were sentenced to death. This happened to only 24.4 percent of men rated as less stereotypically black. ...
Poster Comment:
Results for white murders of blacks presumably could not be obtained due to insufficient sample size.