Title: 220’ Asteroid To Come VERY Close To, Or Hit, Earth On March 25 - JPL Has Been Withholding The Data For 2 Weeks - 'Condition Code' Is 9 Said Possible ‘Country Killer’ Source:
rense.com/Youtube URL Source:https://youtu.be/bULBJn1zMic Published:Mar 18, 2023 Author:James Kaufman Post Date:2023-03-18 15:35:26 by Original_Intent Keywords:Apocalypse, Asteroid, Impact, Tyranny Views:867 Comments:17
JPL Announces Country Killer NEO 2023 DZ2 Inbound After Holding The Information For Two Weeks!
If we get hit the variable is where it hits. An ocean stike will launch a tsunami which will wipe out all of the coastal areas, and miles inland, from where the tsunami makes landfall. Look at Randall Carlson's videos on Youtube. Or visit kosmographia.com .