Title: 220’ Asteroid To Come VERY Close To, Or Hit, Earth On March 25 - JPL Has Been Withholding The Data For 2 Weeks - 'Condition Code' Is 9 Said Possible ‘Country Killer’ Source:
rense.com/Youtube URL Source:https://youtu.be/bULBJn1zMic Published:Mar 18, 2023 Author:James Kaufman Post Date:2023-03-18 15:35:26 by Original_Intent Keywords:Apocalypse, Asteroid, Impact, Tyranny Views:804 Comments:17
JPL Announces Country Killer NEO 2023 DZ2 Inbound After Holding The Information For Two Weeks!
It seems there is no risk to earth, as it's expected to pass about 1/2 the distance from the earth to the moon, or about 120,000 miles at closest approach. That is about 15 earth diameters away. That is indeed close in astronomical terms but if the earth was the size of a basketball, this would miss it by about 12 feet.
Thank you for the data. I was not assuming it would hit us but the prospect of such an event is disconcerting. That the criminals in the District of Corruption would keep the data from the public is discomforting. Although I would expect pathological liars to lie.
The problem of course is that a cometary impact at the end of the last Ice Age is most likely what killed off the Clovis culture along with the megafauna. Take a look at Randall Carlson's Kosmographia podcast for more data. Graham Hancock has been doing a lot of research on this as well.
Another good reference is the late Charles Hapgood's theories (endorsed by Einstein who wrote the forward to his book - available on Adventures Unlimited Press' website or Amazon) regarding crustal displacement and shifting of the geographic poles.
We have had, on Planet Earth, 2 or 3 advanced civilizations before our own. There is plenty of evidence to support that contention even if the Establishment academicians do not want to consider it.