Title: 220’ Asteroid To Come VERY Close To, Or Hit, Earth On March 25 - JPL Has Been Withholding The Data For 2 Weeks - 'Condition Code' Is 9 Said Possible ‘Country Killer’ Source:
rense.com/Youtube URL Source:https://youtu.be/bULBJn1zMic Published:Mar 18, 2023 Author:James Kaufman Post Date:2023-03-18 15:35:26 by Original_Intent Keywords:Apocalypse, Asteroid, Impact, Tyranny Views:823 Comments:17
JPL Announces Country Killer NEO 2023 DZ2 Inbound After Holding The Information For Two Weeks!
It seems there is no risk to earth, as it's expected to pass about 1/2 the distance from the earth to the moon, or about 120,000 miles at closest approach. That is about 15 earth diameters away. That is indeed close in astronomical terms but if the earth was the size of a basketball, this would miss it by about 12 feet.
Ran some numbers. The 2013 meteor that hit Russia was about 2% of the size of this one and delivered a blast of about 14 kilotons. So this one would be about 50 times stronger or about 26 megatons, on par with a modest nuclear bomb.
There would be some variables. We are assuming the density is the same. If it's more or less dense there'd be more or less energy released. There's also a potential speed variance. If it's only going half the speed, the energy would be reduced by 75% if my physics is right, or if double the speed it would be 4x greater.