Title: 220’ Asteroid To Come VERY Close To, Or Hit, Earth On March 25 - JPL Has Been Withholding The Data For 2 Weeks - 'Condition Code' Is 9 Said Possible ‘Country Killer’ Source:
rense.com/Youtube URL Source:https://youtu.be/bULBJn1zMic Published:Mar 18, 2023 Author:James Kaufman Post Date:2023-03-18 15:35:26 by Original_Intent Keywords:Apocalypse, Asteroid, Impact, Tyranny Views:816 Comments:17
JPL Announces Country Killer NEO 2023 DZ2 Inbound After Holding The Information For Two Weeks!
Oh, if it hits it is not a planet killer, but it is a civilization killer. It could set off planetary wide cataclysms including a crustal shift such as was theorized by the late Professor Charles Hapgood in his book "The Path of The Poles". That was probably part of the ancient apocalpyse that wiped out the rising civilization and megafauna at the end of the last ice age. See Graham Hancock's 8 part series "Ancient Apocalypse" on NETFLIX.
My other thought is that whichever major power is going to be in the path of the asteroid strike might launch a full salvo at their adversaries just before it hits.