Hispanic Texas mass shooter Mauricio Garcia, whom the media insisted was a "white supremacist," said white people are "a race I don't like" and fantasized about Mexico taking over America in a handwritten post uploaded to his social media profile on OK.RU.
"I have to tip my hat off to William Travis, James Bowie, and David Crockett," Garcia wrote. "They were definitely worthy adversaries. That's why white America might beat Mexico in the 2nd Mexican American war."
"IF Mexico takes over the United States I really don't want to share the spoils w/ these other loser races," he continued. "I don't even want to share the spoils w/ other Latinos, like the Cubans & Puerto Ricans, Latinos stand up my ass."
"I'm a child of the corn that likes to munch on bean's & tortillas," Garcia said.