I live in one of those democrat run states where the entire legislative body seems to think my rights are actually privileges that they can arbitrarily take away.
We have a representative from Duluth named McEwen who is the dumbest fucking cunt on the planet thinking she can pass a bill banning ALL semiautomatics from the citizenry. Meaning that any semi automatic firearm will be illegal to own. The communists just got the red flag and a bunch of other unconstitutional shit rammed through because they have a phony majority. I honest to god wish these clot shots that all the liberal communists were supposed to get start working as they were meant to.
I am so sick and tired of having to my remind my Communist loving piece of shit representatives to abide by the constitution and not keep abridging my right.
"Call Me Ishmael" -Ishmael, A character from the book "Moby Dick" 1851. "Call Me Fishmeal" -Osama Bin Laden, A character created by the CIA, and the world's Hide And Seek Champion 2001-2011. -Tommythemadartist