Title: ‘It becomes a bomb’: Company refuses to issue recall over millions of exploding airbags Source:
WSB-TV URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADOaPXoNkyI Published:May 25, 2023 Author:WSB-TV Post Date:2023-05-25 20:21:49 by Esso Keywords:None Views:355 Comments:6
Seven incidents of consumer harm over 65 million distributions. The company say that's not high enough to warrant a recall.
But you know what? The company could, in its defense, point to the rate of injury and death by the covid vaxxes which is far, far, FAR higher but which has never been considered a cause for recall. I think that would give them a very solid defense case.
The company could, in its defense, point to the rate of injury and death by the covid vaxxes which is far, far, FAR higher but which has never been considered a cause for recall.
True, but while clot-shot deaths in the US have exceeded 8 million, I guess that was acceptable collateral damage, to be "safe." I think some have been taken off the market though.
I got a mailer last Tuesday that stated, "Stay protected from COVID- 19 Vaccines save lives." [Sorry about the formatting. I wish I could post a photo, but I'm a HoosierHick. All 3 lines line up.]
My Godson was here doing my lawn that day and I stuck it under his wiper on his van for shits and giggles. SB is slightly to the right of Alex Jones. We had our laugh and I threw it into the recycle bin.
After he left, I dug the thing out of the bin and cut the offending quote out of it, used my label maker to print out "LOVE, MELISSA, ALEENA AND CARI" [Daria, McMurphy and Ramette, my three GFs murdered by Bidet and his vaccine mandates].
It's about half the size of a bumper sticker. It sits in a place of honor on my mantle.
Seven incidents of consumer harm over 65 million distributions.
Granted, a small sampling. I was the recipient of the Takata thingy in 2013 in a Honda. My lawyers spent so much time trying to squeeze money out of an old lady that didn't have "a pot to piss in" they completely fucked the dog on Takata. I still feel sorry for Janice WhatsHerName for enduring 5+ years of bullshit threats. I made off with $20,000. I called off the whole deal after my shyster wanted to take her $10,000 house in the Meadow Ghetto (Meadow Brook) in New Haven.
The company say that's not high enough to warrant a recall.
It will be, eventually. In the mean time, I'm not too happy driving around another grenade that might kill me.
I guess I'm just a pussy. (Edit) At least I don't ride a Harley or drink Budweiser.