Title: Banking Crisis Not Accidental: It’s the Last Leg of the Fed’s Master Plan Warns Jekyll Author Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxdgsoQ1_FM Published:May 26, 2023 Author:Horse Post Date:2023-05-26 19:54:50 by Horse Keywords:None Views:135 Comments:3
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Starts at 2:45
G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. He argues that large banks have become so powerful that they are now regulating the governments. When it comes to the banking crisis, he says that it has been with us for a long time and might really change our lives in the near future. He concludes that investors will eventually lose their freedom of choice in the market because were moving towards a cashless society. Its not our money, we dont own it, he says.