This is desperate.
If they were not afraid, ignoring would be the strategy.
They apparently view him as a real threat. There are some very serious question as to why Brandon is refusing to debate him, despite his very strong poll numbers.
The Hill:
Democrats are no longer trying to ignore Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and have taken to calling him out in public after a week of controversies.
National party leaders for the first time acknowledged Kennedys disruptive presidential bid with sharp criticism, and lawmakers met his claims of censorship head-on during his testimony on Capitol Hill.
Its a notable change from their previous approach, in which Democratic leaders and party officials hoped Kennedy would simply fade away on his own. It also serves a purpose for President Biden, who has so far been cautious about addressing his primary rival directly.
Yeah, of course its a problem for Biden.
No one, other than the Jews, would prefer Biden to Kennedy all things being equal.
So if they cant ignore, they must smear.
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