Title: JFK was taken out by the WAR MONGERS who seized control of America - Author Dick Russell interviewed by Mike Adams Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.brighteon.com/f56f3a55-1124-444a-ae22-bedaa3b2fcbd Published:Aug 11, 2023 Author:Health Ranger Report Post Date:2023-08-12 13:16:54 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:499 Comments:3
There were 2 reasons the Jewish High Command wanted JFK dead.
1) He opposed Israel's development of a nuclear bomb.
2) The Rothschild banking interest wanted America to go into the Vietnam war and lose over a very long period of time so they could get White teenagers on drugs. Now they make a lot of money laundering a trillion dollars a year in drugs, illegal weapons and human trafficking. And America had to be taken down so we would have a One World Government.
That will be done by eliminating cash. All money will be placed on government issued debit cards. China is doing this and Russia is following suit.
Once we have no cash and only debit cards there will be no place to hide and taxes will be automatically deducted from your pay. Just think about those who owe child support and are trying to keep what they make.
I know a guy here who has three kids on west coast and four here. Right now he has to drive 250 miles into Arkansas to find work building pole barns that pay cash. You can bet he does not commute and only comes home on weekends. ;)
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke