Title: JFK was taken out by the WAR MONGERS who seized control of America - Author Dick Russell interviewed by Mike Adams Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.brighteon.com/f56f3a55-1124-444a-ae22-bedaa3b2fcbd Published:Aug 11, 2023 Author:Health Ranger Report Post Date:2023-08-12 13:16:54 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:498 Comments:3
There were 2 reasons the Jewish High Command wanted JFK dead.
1) He opposed Israel's development of a nuclear bomb.
2) The Rothschild banking interest wanted America to go into the Vietnam war and lose over a very long period of time so they could get White teenagers on drugs. Now they make a lot of money laundering a trillion dollars a year in drugs, illegal weapons and human trafficking. And America had to be taken down so we would have a One World Government.