Title: Peleliu 1944: Horror In The Pacific (1991) | Full Documentary Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFAO6sMZLq0&t=2364s Published:May 27, 2023 Author:King of Docs Post Date:2023-08-29 21:32:03 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:479 Comments:3
5 Marines of Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment describe the ferocious battle for Peleliu, an "island on fire." 9,000 Marines attacked 10,000 battle hardened Japanese soldiers dug into hundreds of fortified and reinforced coral and limestone caves. The tale of Peleliu is as harrowing as any in the history of modern warfare. A battle of total annihilation fought in inhuman conditions.
To get a much better feel for what it was like, see Tom Hanks "The Pacific" miniseries which covers a number of island invasions by marines of WW2. It may include this island. Hanks' politics aside, it seems a very good production.