Title: Episode 11: General George S. Patton - The Murder of an American hero. Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H03wg7BCfaI Published:Apr 19, 2022 Author:The Free People's Movement Post Date:2023-09-10 17:00:08 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:311 Comments:2
In our season finale, we turn our attention to the fate of General George S. Patton. Why is he so important? Well.... Watch and find out.
Poster Comment:
The author has several episodes that concern the Deep State. You can click on the link at source.
Patton told the troops, that :You will not die for your country, you will die for me.
Nah, I think it was more like in the movie Patton with George C. Scott, "I don't want you to die for your country. Make that other poor, dumb bastard die for his country." ;)
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke