Title: Jesse Watters: This was an act of pure evil Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cuk2SsaWYTU Published:Sep 18, 2023 Author:Fox News Post Date:2023-09-18 18:50:06 by Esso Keywords:None Views:262 Comments:3
Death Penalty. No need for an appeal, the video tells the whole story. 6 weeks to get their affairs in order, and then boom. Firing squad in full view of the family that spawned the monsters in the first place. I am fucking tired of hearing how we need to understand the black suffering when they are driving around in a stolen car, running down white people.
Telling me I need to understand is like telling me its raining while pissing all over me. Sorry, No need to understand that some animals need to be put down.