Title: We Went To The TOP-SECRET 1st Atomic Bomb Test Site ☢️ REAL Oppenheimer Happened Here | It’s INSANE Source:
Benny Johnson URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=529ggd9A1NY Published:Nov 5, 2023 Author:Benny Johnson Post Date:2023-11-05 15:49:03 by Esso Keywords:None Views:143 Comments:1
When the invasion of Japan did not go off because they got nuked, all the weapons in storage on Iwl Jima, four and five pallets high, were put on two ships.
One went to Pyongyang and the other to Haiphong. We were sending then the guns to start the next two wars.
To find out more look up Col. L Fletcher Prouty. He was an intelligence Officer in the South Pacific at the end of the war. He also flew Chiang Kai Shek to Tehran in q943 for the meeting of the Big Four. This is where the deal was made to erect the Iron Curtain.
Patton's tanks were east of the Elbe River wh when the war in Europe ended and he was forced to withdraw because of the Tehran Accords. ;)
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke