Title: Luke Combs - Fast Car (Lyrics) Source:
EweToob URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WISj_nCfASI Published:Nov 10, 2023 Author:Luke Combs Post Date:2023-11-10 01:15:57 by Esso Keywords:None Views:283 Comments:5
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I've got a fast car now. My 2010 Smart ForTwo, 1,000cc clown car is fast as shit after Chip tuned it up. It started out as a $3,500 low mileage a few months ago, shitbox, but now at $9,000+ it's a little fucking badass. I'm a big fat badass, I don't need to have a $80,000 truck to prove I'm a man. My peenee speaks for itself.
The car's so goofy, everybody loves it. I bought the thing to chase the ghosts away of the gals that Prez Pedo killed with his vaxx mandates. I'm having fun giving folks a laugh.