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Title: Several Answers To The Calls To Attack Iran
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Published: Nov 13, 2023
Author: Horse
Post Date: 2023-11-13 03:36:40 by Horse
Keywords: None
Views: 105
Comments: 1

One answer came from Mohammed Hijab, a young Muslim popular on YouTube for confronting Zionist and Colonialist ideologies. He talks about getting 1.8 billion Muslims to decide they have had enough of Zionists and Colonialists occupying their minds. What he is talking about is GWF Hegel’s essay on the Master Slave relationship. In a Master Slave relationship only the former Slave is capable of changing his ex-Master’s beliefs about him.

China was the object of Colonialist humiliation several times. Her Majesty’s Jewish Government declared war on China twice in the Opium Wars of 1839-1842 and again in 1856-1860. And don’t forget the Boxer Rebellion of 1899-1901.

On November 15-17 in San Francisco APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) will be meeting with China as the most powerful member state. But China needs to do something to remind the West that they are no longer to be humiliated. Perhaps, they could sell a billion dollars of US Treasury bonds every 10 minutes for half an hour to get their attention. Or Chinese officials at various ports could simultaneously tell China’s American Pharmaceutical customers that their products will be delayed until Secretary of State Blinken can answer Xi Jinping’s questions about Palestine and Gaza. Just when does America plan to stop the genocide?

After the Military Industrial Complex and the Zionist Lobby, which are joined at the hip, Big Ag and Big Pharma are the most powerful lobbies in America. Medicine in America would not function without Chinese and Indian imports.

Another answer could come from the Muslim leadership. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with President Assad of Syria, Crown Prince MBS (Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud) and the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in Riyadh. They discussed a unified response from the Muslim world on the Genocide of Gaza.

These men in the past have literally been at war with one another. Qatar has funded the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and Hamas. Hamas was fighting alongside Al Qaeda against Syria and Iran. Yet, all of these men must answer to 1.8 billion Muslims who know genocide when they see it.

Some have suggested an oil embargo against Israel and/or NATO countries.

The Neocons, who never learned from their failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Ukraine, are busy plotting WW III which could easily start as an attack on Iran as an act of retaliation for Hezbollah attacking Israel from Lebanon. The US has been accumulating lots of Naval assets in the area, including 4 aircraft carriers and an Ohio class submarine with nuclear weapons. The Israeli Defense Minister has said they can flatten Beirut as they are in the process of doing to Gaza. Hezbollah has responded by saying their drones have given them the exact coordinates of targets of interest in Israel.

The Muslim world including Turkey could tell the American military to leave Islamic soil. The Iraqis could repeat their parliament’s order about all US military troops leaving Iraq. The Iraqis could line up artillery regiments at point blank firing range around those bases while issuing No Fly orders.

Doha Qatar is the forward headquarters of US Central Command though overall control still resides in Tampa Florida. What happens to Israel First plans for WW III if CENTCOM is told to leave their forward base in Qatar and their bases in Iraq are closed? What if President Erdogan is incentivized by Iran to get the Americans to leave Turkey? Iran and Turkey are competing for leadership of the Muslim world. But Erdogan and Iran both have problems with Kurds and both need to step forward.

Perhaps they could take one Giant Step together. Iran could give the Kurds a cease and desist order with a specific time frame to announce their withdrawal from Syria. Erdogan would love that. Then when that time had passed, the Iranians could strike one or two of the most appropriate targets in Kurdistan with Kinzhal missiles which dig a hole 98 feet (30 meters) deep where its target used to be. Russia, Iran’s new best friend, gave them the Kinzhal and sold them 25 SU-35 jets. Simultaneously, a few suicide drones could take out the US military overseeing Syria’s border with Iraq through which the US transports all the oil and the wheat they have stolen from Syria.

We must remember that the US and NATO killed 300,000 Syrian civilians as punishment for fictional war crimes President Assad never committed. This would be a good time for President Erdogan to tell the Americans to leave their bases by bus. Turkey could take temporary control of their jets, their air defenses and their nuclear weapons until the conflict in Gaza is resolved and Israeli settlers are arrested for murdering Palestinians in the West Bank and seizing their farms and homes.

Perhaps, the international media could have been invited to Erbil, the capitol of Kurdistan’s regional government. The reporters could get a call warning them to leave a certain building within 30 seconds and to start videotaping as there is an incoming missile. They could report the size of the hole. US and Israeli troops would be curious about its depth. The Iranians and the Russians could explain that one Kinzhal can destroy one aircraft carrier. If Iran is attacked, they could take out the US Persian Gulf fleet, their base at Diego Garcia and all 4 US aircraft carriers in the region including one in the Red Sea, one in the Gulf and two in the Mediterranean.

Of course the Saudis should join Iraq and Turkey demanding the US leave their lands.

Perhaps the Saudis could talk to Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, and persuade him to tell the American Navy to leave until they have stopped supporting genocide in Palestine and Gaza.

The US military would be in no position to do anything at all against Iran if they had to relocate all those bases. They might find it difficult to even find supplies for their ships, planes and ground troops if Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi, Saudi and Qatari intelligence agents worked together to enforce a Muslim boycott of all non-Muslim approved military powers in the region. It would be a logistical nightmare for the Pentagon who would be forced to say Definitely No to the Israel Firsters.

The Master-Slave relationship also extends to voters in NATO countries. Their Masters are the Bankers and the Zionists. In the last Republican Presidential debate one candidate said that his first act as President would be to confront Iran militarily.

I would reply that makes perfect sense in 2023 for candidates whose campaigns are paid for by the Military Industrial Complex and the Zionist Lobby but not for his voters in 2024. The US is spending $1.51 trillion on defense this year which includes $877 billion by the Pentagon and $633 billion from 6 other agencies which would include the Department of Energy for nuclear weapons.

Yet we have inferior weapons The latest version of the Patriot Air Defense system is inferior to the old Soviet S-300 which Ukraine had on February 24, 2023. The US and UK Navies both operate subsonic Mach 0.7 cruise missiles. The Russians are deploying their Mach 9 Zircon cruise missile. Even the Philippines have a Mach 3 Brahmos cruise missile which they bought from India.

The US is currently, paying $8,000 for one artillery shell up from $3,000 pre-Gaza and Ukraine wars. I doubt President Putin pays $8,000 for an artillery shell. His Krasnopol artillery system is laser directed and can very accurately hit moving targets 76 kilometers (47 miles) distant. America has nothing comparable even at 40 Kms (25 miles.)

Why is that? The purpose of everything in American government is to empower and to enrich the Ruling Elite. Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore have proven that at least $50 trillion was stolen from US taxpayers. Our Rulers in the West all go to World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings in Davos where Klaus Schwab tells them that the commoners must eat bugs, drink cockroach milkshakes and give up their cars and their freedoms. And they must do their part to depopulate the world of common people by volunteering the former members of the middle class to take bioweapons designed as vaccine injections.

None of that is going to happen so the politicians who serve Wall Street, Israel and the media whores will need to learn to think differently to keep up with the times.

We all have a lot to learn to learn over the next 24 months if we are to survive.

My latest article struck a response with many people because it concerned the theme of the movie Mad Max which was about a dystopic future. My point was that Ed Dowd told us the world is headed to Mad Max due to supply chain issues and lots of violence. Both of which will be caused by the bioweapons disguised as vaccines the Ruling Class used to kill us by the tens of millions.Getting Off The Road To Mad Max:

My next most recent article was about the leader of Hezbollah’s speech. He has been consulting with Esmail Qaani, commander of Iran’s expeditionary Quds Force in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who has been coordinating with pro-Iranian militiamen and with Palestinians for an effective response. This is it:Hassan Nasrallah Speaks. We Should Listen:

Before that I wrote about industrial warfare. The Bush and Clinton crime families closed 80,000 US manufacturing plants with the passage of NAFTA sending those jobs overseas. We are now an over populated nation running a $3 trillion yearly budget deficit paying $8,000 for a single artillery shell because we don’t make them anymore. Industrial Warfare Vs Wall Street Uber Alles:

This next article is about Colonel Doug Macgregor’s prediction that America will be too unstable for elections in November of 2024. Col Macgregor: U.S. Will “Implode.” No 2024 Elections:

High food prices will be a key part of the coming hyperinflation. This will be due in part to bad weather. We can also expect intense earth changes. In the Maunder Minimum food prices spiked 400% higher in certain years in the UK and 600% in 1709 in France. 2020s: Surviving The Cold, The Quakes And Volcanoes:

7.1 million Americans own 40 or more guns and 100,000 or more bullets. Someone had the bright idea of arresting millions of Americans without trial. These facts are the basis of this article:Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared.

In another recent article I commented on the Pentagon’s $1.448 trillion budget of which according to the Office of Management and Budget about $600 billion is hidden in half a dozen different agencies. Next year’s DOD budget is supposed to be a mere $1.510 trillion. I question why the US has weapons inferior to the Philippines and Iran.

Pentagon Does Not Get Much For $1.448 Trillion:

In another recent article David Martin revealed the real Covid timeline which goes back to the first experimental Pfizer Covid mRNA injection developed in 1990 and even before that to other coronavirus events. These spike proteins are bioweapons and have been a long time in the making.

This is it: David Martin: The Covid Timeline:

Just a few days before that I wrote my annual article on the Bilderberg meetings. I have given biographical pictures of the Bilderberg attendees every year since 2012. Their current pet project is to team up with the Davos WEF crowd to shut down farms.

The latest is here: Bilderberg 2023 Annotated Members List

I wrote of those $1.68 an hour jobs in LA and homes for $549,000 in Watts thanks to unlimited immigration.$1.68 An Hour, $862,000 Homes. LA is America’s Future:

I also recently wrote of the plan of the 30 Families to poison you and steal your pensions, investments, savings and paychecks. They demand it all including your life.Bankers Plan To Kill The Dollar And You – Really Soon:

I wrote of the mind boggling levels of corruption in the Pentagon. Tens of trillion dollars missing. This corruption has shortened the life span of the American Empire:DOD Corruption: Proof and Consequences:

I am interested in 911. As I said, I believe Israel did it.

Resurrecting Israel Did 911. All the Proof In The World:

Did you know that a billion dollars in gold and silver went missing from the COMEX vault at the World Trade Center the night before 911? What did Osama bin Laden do? Did he impersonate David Rockefeller from his hospital bed in Pakistan? 911 Truths.

The best authority on the 911 attack at the Pentagon is Barbara Honegger. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that $2.3 trillion had gone missing from the Pentagon. On 9-11-2001 the auditors tracing the Missing Trillions were killed. Barbara Honegger And The Pentagon Attack Papers

I recently wrote about the economic ideas proposed Robert Heinlein in his first novel. Suffice to say he could save us from national bankruptcy and eliminate taxes on couples making less than $100,000 a year and give them cash grants of $10,000 for their first child and $6,000 for the second. Robert Heinlein’s Solution To Our Economic Woes:

You will find other articles of interest below.

Another Natural Cure For Cancer. Why Haven’t You Heard About It? Hint Because it’s free!!

This Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ Written By A Medical Professional That Went Viral.“Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America”

In the future you will have to raise your own food to make sure you get something to eat. And you will have to learn how to prevent disease. To learn about gardening in a Grand Solar Minimum try this:The Wisdom of Mother Nature.

Davos Plans To Starve A Billion People To Death:

This article should receive more attention than it did:Putin’s Words, Putin’s Deeds:

Arnold Leese wrote about the longstanding relationship between Judaism Inc and China: THE JEWISH ROTTING OF CHINA. Read it here:

David Rothkopf said the world is ruled by the 30 families and their 6,000 Minions. One group they use to control politics and the media is the Bilderberg Society. Jens Stoltenberg is a member of the powerful Steering Committee and the head of NATO. The Bilderbergers got us into the disastrous war in the Ukraine. After their last meeting he said that the war should end and the Ukraine should ask for terms. For the past 10 years I have published short bios of everyone attending the Bilderberg meeting.

One of my most popular articles of late has been on Catherine Austin Fitts conclusion that the Globalists have been using various means including covid vaxxes to poison us. She said in a video that they want to poison the US military. She also said she thought all this gender confusion nonsense was designed to destroy families because in the future they want to gene edit babies so they are not quite human.Catherine Austin Fitts And The Great Poisoning.

1990s: Dr Fauci Killed 80 Black And Latino Children.

My most popular article in recent years was this:Deagel: 233 Million Americans To Die Before The End Of 2025.

So far this century has been a Jewish century as was the 20th. You need to understand Jewish people and more importantly the mind of their self-appointed leaders.

Zionist Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Fatal But Treatable Social Disease. In a Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder the stress is the outcome of an imaginary episode set in the future; an event that has never taken place.

Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes

Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear In Schools.

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.

Video- Ernst Zundel: Jewish Voraciousness Will Create Weimar Like Conditions In America And A Final Solution For the Jews In The US.

We Are Not Anti-Semites We Merely Oppose The Psychopathic Religion Judaism.

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It.

Conversations With Young Assimilated Jewish People.

Read this before planning your future health needs:Video: Enzymes, Cancer And Healthy Blood Pressure.

These articles should also be of interest:

Update: America’s Secret Multi-Trillion Dollar Black Ops Slush Fund.

This is Julian Assange’s explanation of the war in Afghanistan as a money maker. Please share it. It applies to the Ukraine.

The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. Julian Assange.

This is the article about Catherine Austin Fitts and the poisoning of the public.

Ed Dowd has mentioned that there are protocols for detoxifying the body for those who have the mRNA vaxx. This link is from a Dowd related website :

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#1. To: Horse (#0)

Iran has done NOTHING to the US of A, the US of A has done a lot to Iran, they people in charge in the US of A want a war with Iran to please the jews

Darkwing  posted on  2023-11-13   4:44:15 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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