Title: Joy Behar Is Shameful - 'The View' Host Farts Out: 'Put His Nut In There' Source:
Doug In Exile URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBlXpNZR0Mw Published:Nov 17, 2023 Author:Doug Tennapel Post Date:2023-11-17 17:59:36 by Esso Keywords:None Views:41
Poster Comment:
Ya know, gay/pedo/tranny is a serious mental illness (check your old Psy 101/102 textbooks). I think they localized it to brain damage/defect in the hypothalamus region of the brain, which freaked out the Marxists in the Obama era, or before.
There's a strong innate aversion to that shit, much unlike Prez Pedo that showered and had sex with his daughter.
I don't know what to say from here, this shit is sick, sick, sick.