Title: BREAKING: 'Democrats Stopped From Ending Democracy' - Trump WINS 3 State Courts Source:
Doug In Exile URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJm3qXjYcPE Published:Nov 18, 2023 Author:Doug Tennapel Post Date:2023-11-18 13:27:38 by Esso Keywords:None Views:35
Poster Comment:
I find it difficult to believe that ANYBODY is still laboring under the delusion that voting matters/counts. CIA and DS decides. The only thing that matters is that the citizens are kept docile and don't revolt. Michelle "Big Mike" Obama has been selected for 2024. He will probably be dropped in at the last second in October 2024 after Dr. Jill and her geriatric patient are given a review of the Zapruder film and decides to drop out "for health reasons."
It will be a felony to question the 2024 "election." I'm gettin' too old for jail/prison.