Title: Female MDs are a strange animal. I suppose ex-spooks are too. Source:
freedom4um URL Source:http://freedom4um.com Published:Jan 8, 2024 Author:Esso Post Date:2024-01-08 01:03:29 by Esso Keywords:None Views:998 Comments:17
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Me and the good doctor aren't having problems per se, but she can shut off at a whim. I wonder if that's a class they teach in medical school? I wonder how that works? I wonder how that might work against me in the future?
Maybe it's just something grown-ups do. God knows that if I ever grow up, I'll die.
Too bad she's too young to retire. I don't know what we'd do together 24/7, but I'm pretty sure I could enrage her like my buddy does to his wife even though he's still working.
Maybe Doc will be more comfortable in a better neighborhood, closer to where she works, without a neighbor who professes to be Satan (I lost my good house in the divorce ten years ago).
I dunno, I love a good fight, but I'm getting a little long in the no teeth (lost after the accident in 2013. I think Dakmar has the last pics of my teeth and a former GF) to spend a lot of time in jail. Maybe I'll move in with her and come home to post on 4um, etc. as a job or something. If things work out, I can dump this shithole on my Godson.
I don't understand her God Complex, and she doesn't understand mine. We're both killers though. Mine was sanctioned, her's was mandated. We're both carrying a lot of survivor guilt. I've had a lot of counselling in the past, she hasn't. Yet.
"I'm hypnotized by name, I wish this night would never end."
Wow, the blond went a little heavy on the blue eye shadow shit.
I sure AF don't want little Kimmy looking at the World through my jaded and cynical eyes. I love her, I always have. It's a Goddamned shame what she had to go through to be with me 43 years after the fact.