The twins who ate plant-based diets experienced significant cardiometabolic benefits, but study had limitations While identical twins share a significant amount of DNA, their dietary choices can lead to very different health outcomes for them.
In March 2022, 22 sets of identical adult twins participated in a randomized clinical trial in which one twin adopted a vegan (fully plant-based) diet and the other ate an omnivorous (meat-eating) diet.
The findings, published in JAMA Network Open on Nov. 30, 2023, showed that the twins who consumed a healthy vegan diet had "significantly improved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, fasting insulin level and weight loss" compared to the twins who ate diets containing meat.
Poster Comment:
I eat eggs because we need B12 and cholesterol. We also need sunshine. The major benefit of a dietary change would be to get rid of everything in a can, box or plastic package.