The panic is palpable. Democrat controlled cities across the nation are experiencing something they might never have experienced before: Consequences for their terrible criminal prosecution policies. And, they don't like it. Not one bit.
Democrats have argued for the past couple years that crime rates are actually falling in the US compared to previous decades, but this does not seem to be represented on the streets as retailers in numerous metro areas are closing up shop after many years of operations due to increasing theft. If crime rates are falling, why are so many businesses leaving blue areas?
Boston, for example, has been bleeding retailers in recent months, with companies like Walgreens closing down four stores in the area in a single year. Residents and officials are outraged, arguing that these companies have a civic duty to stay and service communities in need. It's estimated that Massachusetts retailers are losing more than $2 billion per year to criminal theft. Maybe if the community stopped robbing them on a daily basis, these companies wouldn't feel the need to shut down.