How many f'n "survivors" could even possibly still be around. Yet, they keep adding to the ranks.
Shucks democrats have figured out how to collect votes from beyond the grave. I for one believe George Noory should have one of his medium guest explain the process. They claim to be able to contact my dead mother if asked to do so, my mom was a bat shit crazy democrat right up until those clot shots killed her.
That was an easy one. Now you have to watch it. If you don't you will not be able to dispute it and that means I am right. Of course I am right though everyone with a brain knows the holocaust was real. Hitler wasn't passing out candy to the jews because he loved them. He was a cold blooded murderer. But you know that even if you pretend you don't.
Mr Rock, you appeal to Hollywood movies as an authority!
1) Allied scholars now admit there never were any gas chambers in Germany. Supposedly, we are to trust the Jewish Soviets who killed 64 million Gentiles, at least half of whom were Christian martyrs.
2) Alfred Hitchcock made the movie The Birds. He ruined the career of his female star Tippi Hedron because she did not want to have sex with him.
3) There are at least 20 million Jews in America. My small church in an out of the place in the US South has 3 Jewish families as members. We had 4 until a couple divorced and moved away. There was no Jewish population loss from 1940 to 1950 according to the World Almanac. In fact their population grew by 800,000 in 10 years.
4) None of the gas chambers described by the Jews would have worked more than once. Because they could not get rid of the cyanide gas that quickly. The US had real gas chambers up until the early 1960s. They took up to 24 hours to neutralize the gas. And even then the examining doctor wore gloves and a mask. He also sprayed the body with water to protect mortuary attendants.
The International Red Cross had monthly inspections of all German camps. They talked freely with inmates. Nobody ever once said there were gas chambers.
Read this: Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldnt Lie To Me.
Dear Mr Rock, I will block you forever as you are too ignorant and fanatical for me to waste my time. I am not an atheist. I attended a Christian church service this morning as I normally do on Sundays. I described Baptists as hysterical after someone described Presbyterian services as sterile.
PS: Zyklon B if thrown into an unheated room will not kill anyone until it reaches 50 degrees F. So that means the Germans never killed people in the winter in Poland?