Title: Everyone is now dumber for having listened to this: Joe Concha Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X--HXKwOfQ Published:Feb 10, 2024 Author:Sean Hannity Post Date:2024-02-10 07:56:19 by Esso Keywords:None Views:466 Comments:14
Poster Comment:
Non compos mentis Non compos mentis is a Latin legal phrase that translates to "of unsound mind": non prefaces compos mentis, meaning "having control of one's mind." This phrase was first used in thirteenth-century English law to describe people afflicted by madness, the loss of memory or ability to reason.
Don't think there's gonna be any news today. Prez El Loco was shuffled off to Delaware last night, and the only thing in the Friday Night News Dump was footage of Bidet embarrassing the country Thursday night during his primetime temper-tantrum and how gay the Super Bowl is going to be.
When CNN Absolutely ANNIHILATES You....
Joe Biden will be badly exposed in debate with Donald Trump
He managed to blow Tucker's interview of Putin off the map...