Bibi is a great leader. He is making the hard choices and doing what he has to do to protect his people from constant terrorism.
Israel has what 1 percent of the land in the middle east. But the muslims hate God and the Bible so much their whole goal in life is to try to kill all the Jews so they can prove their satanic Koran is Gods word and the Bible isn't accurate. That is it in a nutshell. Muslims who worship a pedophile against Jews who didn't realize who their Messiah was but probably will soon. When they are surrounded by all the Jew haters of the world who will gather to kill them all.
That is when God will reveal himself and protect Israel to the detriment of the muslims.
We should pray for the muslims to not be muslims anymore and embrace Gods word.
Not much point in a debate. Israel as we know them today are not Israel of Biblical times and have no right to an inch of Palestine. Not one fucking inch.
I really dislike religious debates because no one ever changes their mind. In general, most people haven't studied the issue well enough to have the debate.
I really dislike religious debates because no one ever changes their mind. In general, most people haven't studied the issue well enough to have the debate.
If you give honest study to the subject. You will change your mind. Unless you are a committed Muslim. Even if you are Muslim you could give that up and change.