Title: Why Did the Vietnam War Break Out? (4K Vietnam War Documentary) Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDSjoqgmc9g Published:Dec 2, 2023 Author:Real Time History Post Date:2024-03-02 20:46:18 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:172 Comments:2
The US of A got into Vietnam because of Eisenhower, He hated the president of France and he told the people that he could do a better job, so they told the Frence to leave
The US of A got into Vietnam because of Eisenhower, He hated the president of France and he told the people that he could do a better job, so they told the Frence to leave
Is that your opinion or do you have links to back it up? ;)
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke