At least five universities, all in the United Kingdom, now claim that hiring people based on qualifications rather than skin color is a "micro aggression" and form of "discrimination" that must not be tolerated.
In the wake of criticism that DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) policies are leading to people, primarily whites, not being hired for jobs they are qualified for, the universities in question are speaking out against hiring people based on merit, calling this a "bad" thing, even though universities exist to provide qualifications through education.
At the University of Glasgow in Scotland, the "big brains" issued a statement as part of an "anti-racism" campaign asserting that merit-based hiring is wrong because it insinuates "that race does not play a role in life successes.
As for claims that "everyone can succeed if they work hard enough," the University of Glasgow considers this to be a "micro aggression," the implication being that such a statement is offensive to underperforming non-whites who are apparently incapable of working hard enough to succeed, according to the school.