Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world. It is happening in some countries faster than in others. Although women in Sweden and Norway do not have the same recourse to law when they are raped by immigrant-invaders as they have if raped by white Scandinavian men, it is in Great Britain and the US where the protection by law has collapsed most rapidly.
A recent example in Great Britain is the case of Sam Melia. Sam, a white British citizen, made available stickers that read:
Reject White Guilt
Its ok to be White
We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
White Lives Matter
Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
Love your Nation
The BBC presstitutes branded Melia a far-right activist. A piece of shit judge ruled that the stickers messages are corrosive to our society. In other words the judge said that our society is not white except for the corrosive elements in it who are opposed to Britain being overrun by immigrant-invaders. The piece of shit judge, with weaponized law in his hand, declared his opinion that Sam was an antisemite with Nazi sympathies and sentenced Sam to two years in prison.