Title: Get ready! Tennessee is the NEXT state to be INVADED by Biden's replacement plan Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCTOISwPTCg Published:Mar 30, 2024 Author:Redacted Post Date:2024-03-30 19:13:17 by Horse Keywords:None Views:529 Comments:10
Maybe they should send them to the T/A truck stop in downtown Nashville and see how long they last there. Once in a while they find a dead body out back. ;)
What is the full name of the T/A truck stop in Nashville?
I have never been there personally. But the TA stands for Truck Stops of America. You hear things about certain places when you are on the road long enough.
I know an old boy here who is in his 90s now. He used to go into that T/A. He told me when he realized how bad it was he started going to the Petro. ;)