Title: Willie Nelson - The Border (Lyrics) Source:
The Country Hype URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MJELUyvAEI Published:May 7, 2024 Author:Willie Nlson Post Date:2024-05-07 19:33:49 by Mark Watney Keywords:None Views:1295 Comments:1
I've never heard that song on my country station. I'm not surprised. I learned about it from Michael Knowles.
I wasn't political until Joe Biden killed my wife a couple years ago with his vaccine mandates. She was a registered nurse. She died shortly after her second shot of a stroke. Nana would be old enough now to get her pension and social security. I was going to retire but there's not much sense in that now that I'm alone. I'll keep busting my knuckles as a mechanic as long as I can to try to save my grandkids.
I sure never thought the USA would die this way after my years of military service.