Title: The Victims of Benny Hinn: 30 Years of Spiritual Deception. Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:May 17, 2024 Author:Benny Hinn Post Date:2024-05-17 23:46:26 by The_Rock Keywords:None Views:546 Comments:13
When I lived in Lebanon, MO I knew two 33rd Degree Masons. One was a Judge and the other a Bondsman,
The Judge got kicked up to the Court of Appeals in Kansas City. And I did some bounty hunting with the Bondsman. Made a few bucks doing that and even scared this guy from Kansas City back to where he was supposed to be where he turned himself in.
Those memories are 20 years old now and am lucky to recall them since the Meningitis wiped out so many memories. ;)
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke