Title: The US - Saudi Petro Dollar Agreement Has Official ENDED Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXWlIpSvH5k Published:Jun 13, 2024 Author:Kim Iversen Post Date:2024-06-14 00:00:30 by Horse Keywords:None Views:1316 Comments:2
Poster Comment:
Ron Paul said, "When the US went off the gold standard, it went on the US military standard."
That beams if you sell your oil for euros. rubles or yuan, we will bomb your country.
Problem is that we have so much corruption in the Military Industrial Complex that our missiles are highly inferior to Russia's.
I'd never before heard of the existence of any agreement. It would qualify as a treaty if it did, and states are free to exit treaties at any time as there is no real enforcement mechanism beyond losing the benefits the treaty granted them.
Maybe more of a publicity thing given we just should have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of going off the gold standard and on to the "full faith and credit" standard.