Title: Fighting In The Normandy Bocage (WW2 Documentary) Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBc7iU4sZpw Published:Feb 12, 2024 Author:Battle Guide Post Date:2024-06-20 17:42:58 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:30
By July 1944 the Allied advance in Normandy had slowed to a crawl. To the west, the Americans had been bogged down by tenacious defenders installed in the notorious Bocage countryside outside St-Lo. With new units coming into the line to replace those who had been in the fight since D- Day, now was the time to strike. In this video, we follow the story of the 1st Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment as they assaulted Hill 122, the key to capturing St-Lo.
Poster Comment:
I recall an episode of Combat! where Sgt. Saunders said about Private Nelson, "He's been with us since Normandy." That seems pretty darn amazing considering what happened in Hedgerow country.
But I knew an old boy who was a cannoneer for Patton and he survived the war.