Title: Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend Source:
Cowboy Kent Rollins URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shNrlCGVLQs Published:Jun 20, 2024 Author:Kent Rollins Post Date:2024-06-20 17:52:02 by Esso Keywords:None Views:116 Comments:1
Beagles are characters. My current dog is a tricolor too. Shoulda bought her brother at the same time.
Sure don't like water like our Golden did.
Our beagle seems more clannish, which I kinda like. Golden loved everybody. Beagle has a definite circle of people in mind that are allowed to pet her. Don't mean she don't like you if she doesn't let you, just means you're not in the circle.
A rainbow coalition against Jews doesn't require Whites or Pro-Whites. It can be just as brown or anti-white as you like.