The time has officially come to pump the brakes on Vice President Kamala Harris' 2024 presidential hype train.
On Thursday, Rasmussen released a poll showing former President Donald Trump with a 7-point lead over Harris (50 percent to 43 percent) in a head-to-head contest nationwide.
Since President Joe Biden's strangely abrupt withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday, the establishment media has worked overtime to manufacture enthusiasm for the unimpressive vice president.
With the help of their latest hoax, those efforts at times have appeared to give Republicans some reasons for concern.
Without creating complacency, however, the new Rasmussen poll should provide some reassurance that the presidential race has not fundamentally changed.
Despite the establishment's fawning pro-Harris narrative, and despite a slew of polls this week that appeared to suggest a tightening race, the Rasmussen poll deserves special attention.
To understand why, readers should know two things.
First, Rasmussen has a recent history of accuracy far superior to that of nearly all other pollsters.
In fact, from a list of 25 pollsters who conducted polling late in the 2020 presidential election cycle, Rasmussen ranked as the third most accurate, according to Nate Silver of ABC News FiveThirtyEight.