Title: Vivek Ramaswamy: This is alarming (Kudlow) Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoH0FAWIIT4 Published:Aug 13, 2024 Author:Fox Business Post Date:2024-08-13 21:08:58 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:228 Comments:1
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Where are the jobs, Vivek? They have all gone south of the border because of NAFTA or been shipped overseas to China to escape EPA regulations. Where will you put those millions of deep state people into new jobs that do not exist?
Trump did save some of the Carrier air conditioner jobs in Indianaoplis. And then put sanctions on China which caused many businesses there to flee to Vietnam or Malaysia which were tax friendlier locations.
The problem is that America has way too many people for its resources. If we have to import iron ore, aluminum, oil or cotton, we cannot add value to make a finished product like a washing machine or a pair of jeans and ship them overseas for a foreigner to purchase to balance our payments. We were supposed to stop adding immigrants to America when we reached 150 million people.